Domain Model Diagram

Let’s briefly discuss the domain model. Observing the diagram it’s possible to distinguish every use case. When the player opens the Klotski game for the first time, the game shows a brief “TUTORIAL” in order to inform the user how to play. Then main menu is displayed giving to the player the possibility to open “SETTINGS”, to “LOAD” a game, to choose a “CONFIGURATION” or to start a “NEW” game. Then, when the game starts, through the GameState it is possible to “RESET” the game using the initial state, to “UNDO” a move, using the past states and asking for a hint using the Klotski Solver algorithm (“NEXT BEST MOVE”). Eventually it is possible to “SAVE” the game through the Saves Manager. Every cardinality on the domain model diagram is one to one so, in order to improve the legibility, it has been omitted.

    Player -- KlotskiGame: opens
    KlotskiGame -- MainMenu: displays

    KlotskiGame -- Tutorial: shows

    MainMenu -- Settings : creates
    MainMenu -- GameScreen : creates
    MainMenu -- LoadGame : creates
    MainMenu -- Configuration : creates
    LoadGame --  SavesManager : uses
    Configuration -- SavesManager :uses
    GameScreen -- SavesManager : saves
    GameScreen -- Board : creates
    GameScreen -- GameState: contains

    GameState: Current State
    GameState: Initial State
    GameState: Past States
    GameState: Moves Counter
    GameState -- KlotskiSolver: uses
    KlotskiSolver -- State: contains
    GameState -- State: creates
    Board --  GameState: uses

Made with ❤️ by The Plagiarizers.