package dev.plagarizers.klotski.game.state;
import dev.plagarizers.klotski.game.block.BigBlock;
import dev.plagarizers.klotski.game.block.Block;
import java.util.*;
* The KlotskiSolver class provides methods to solve the Klotski puzzle.
* It utilizes a compressed representation of the board for efficient solving.
public class KlotskiSolver {
int target = 0b0000_0000_0000_0110_0110;
private final int[] bitBoard;
private List<State> pathToSolution = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructs a KlotskiSolver object with the initial state of the puzzle.
* @param state The initial state of the Klotski puzzle.
public KlotskiSolver(State state) {
bitBoard = state.toBitBoard();
Block targetPiece = new BigBlock(State.GOAL);
target = State.createBitMaskForBlock(targetPiece);
private static int log2(int n) {
if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);
* Finds the minimum number of steps required to reach the goal state from the initial state.
* It uses a breadth-first search (BFS) approach to explore the possible states and find the shortest path.
* @return The minimum number of steps to reach the goal state, or -1 if no path is found.
public int minSteps() {
Queue<int[]> queue = new LinkedList<>(Collections.singleton(bitBoard));
Set<Long> visited = new HashSet<>(Collections.singleton(this.compress(bitBoard)));
Map<int[], int[]> paths = new HashMap<>();
paths.put(bitBoard, null);
return this.bfs(0, queue, target, visited, paths);
* Performs a breadth-first search (BFS) to find the shortest path from the start state
* to the goal state. It explores the states in the queue, generating and enqueueing their
* next states until the goal state is found or the queue becomes empty.
* @param step The current step in the search process.
* @param queue The queue of states to explore.
* @param target The goal state.
* @param visited The set of visited states.
* @param parents The map of parent states.
* @return The number of steps taken to reach the goal state, or -1 if no path is found.
private int bfs(int step, Queue<int[]> queue, int target, Set<Long> visited, Map<int[], int[]> parents) {
// If the queue is empty, no path is found
if (queue.isEmpty()) return -1;
Queue<int[]> nextQueue = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int[] current = queue.remove();
// Generate and enqueue the next states
List<int[]> nextStates = this.getNextStates(current);
for (int[] state : nextStates) {
// Skip visited states
if (visited.contains(this.compress(state))) continue;
// Record the parent state
parents.put(state, current);
// If the goal state is found, reconstruct the path and return the number of steps
if (state[0] == target) {
pathToSolution = reconstructPath(parents, state);
return step;
// Continue the BFS with the next queue
return this.bfs(step, nextQueue, target, visited, parents);
* Retrieves the path to the solution after the puzzle is solved.
* @return A list of states representing the path to the solution.
public List<State> getPathToSolution() {
if (pathToSolution.isEmpty()) {
return pathToSolution;
* Reconstructs the path from the start state to the goal state using the given map
* of parent states. Starting from the goal state, it iteratively follows the parent
* states until reaching the start state, building the path in reverse order.
* @param parents The map of parent states where the key is the child state and the
* value is the corresponding parent state.
* @param goal The goal state.
* @return The list of states representing the path from the start state to the goal state.
private List<State> reconstructPath(Map<int[], int[]> parents, int[] goal) {
List<State> path = new ArrayList<>();
int[] current = goal;
// Follow the parent states from the goal state to the start state
while (current != null) {
current = parents.get(current);
// Reverse the path to obtain the correct order
path.remove(0); // Remove the initial state
return path;
* Returns the mirrored state of the given state.
* The mirrored state is obtained by flipping the blocks horizontally
* along the vertical axis.
* @param state The state to mirror.
* @return The mirrored state.
private int[] getMirroredState(int[] state) {
int[] mirroredState = new int[state.length];
for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
int block = state[i];
// Check if the block is on the left border
if (this.isOnLeftBorder(block)) {
mirroredState[i] = block >> (i < 2 ? 2 : 3); // Shift the block to the right to mirror it
// Check if the block is on the right border
else if (this.isOnRightBorder(block)) {
mirroredState[i] = block << (i < 2 ? 2 : 3); // Shift the block to the left to mirror it
// Check if the block is in the middle
else if (i > 1) {
// Mirror the block based on its position
if (this.isOnLeftBorder(block << 1))
mirroredState[i] = block >> 1; // Shift the block to the right to mirror it
if (this.isOnRightBorder(block >> 1))
mirroredState[i] = block << 1; // Shift the block to the left to mirror it
// Copy the block as it is (top row)
else mirroredState[i] = block;
return mirroredState;
* Returns a list of all possible next states from the given current state.
* A next state is obtained by moving each block in all possible {@code Direction}
* (up, down, left, and right) based on the current state.
* @param blocks The current state represented as an array of blocks.
* @return A list of all possible next states from the current state.
private List<int[]> getNextStates(int[] blocks) {
List<int[]> nextStates = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
int original = blocks[i];
// Move block upwards
blocks[i] = original << 4;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) {
// Move the block upwards twice if not in the first column
if (i != 0) {
blocks[i] = original << 8;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the left if not in the top row and not on the left border
if (i > 5 && !isOnLeftBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original << 5;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the right if not in the top row and not on the right border
if (i > 5 && !isOnRightBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original << 3;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move block downwards
blocks[i] = original >> 4;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) {
// Move the block downwards twice if not in the first column
if (i != 0) {
blocks[i] = original >> 8;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the left if not in the top row and not on the left border
if (i > 5 && !isOnLeftBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original >> 3;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the right if not in the top row and not on the right border
if (i > 5 && !isOnRightBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original >> 5;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the left if not on the left border
if (!isOnLeftBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original << 1;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) {
// Move the block to the left twice if not in the first column and not on the left border
if (i != 0 && !isOnLeftBorder(original << 1)) {
blocks[i] = original << 2;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the left and up if not in the top row
if (i > 5) {
blocks[i] = original << 5;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
blocks[i] = original >> 3;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the right if not on the right border
if (!isOnRightBorder(original)) {
blocks[i] = original >> 1;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) {
// Move the block to the right twice if not in the first column and not on the right border
if (i != 0 && !isOnRightBorder(original >> 1)) {
blocks[i] = original >> 2;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the right and down if in the bottom row
if (i > 5) {
blocks[i] = original << 3;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
// Move the block to the right and up if not in the top row
blocks[i] = original >> 5;
if (isValidBoard(blocks)) nextStates.add(blocks.clone());
blocks[i] = original;
return nextStates;
* Checks if a block is positioned on the right border of the game board.
* @param block The block value representing a specific position on the board.
* @return {@code true} if the block is on the right border, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean isOnRightBorder(int block) {
// 16 means the right border of the bottom row and so on, 12, 8, 4, 0 means the right border of other lines
int[] borderIndices = new int[]{0, 4, 8, 12, 16};
for (int index : borderIndices) if (((block >> index) & 1) == 1) return true;
return false;
* Checks if a block is positioned on the left border of the game board.
* @param block The block value representing a specific position on the board.
* @return {@code true} if the block is on the left border, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean isOnLeftBorder(int block) {
// 3 means the left border of the bottom row and so on, 7, 11, 15, 19 means the left border of other lines
int[] borderIndices = new int[]{3, 7, 11, 15, 19};
for (int index : borderIndices) if (((block >> index) & 1) == 1) return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given board configuration is valid according to the game rules.
* @param board The array representing the board configuration.
* @return {@code true} if the board is valid, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean isValidBoard(int[] board) {
if (board.length != 10) return false;
int occupiedSlots = 0b0;
for (int block : board) {
// Check if the block value exceeds the maximum valid value.
// The maximum valid value is (1 << 20) - 1, which represents all 20 bits set to 1.
// If the block value is greater than this, it means it has more than 20 bits,
// indicating an invalid block configuration.
if (block > ((1 << 20) - 1)) return false;
// Check for overlapping blocks by bitwise AND operation.
// If the result is non-zero, it means there is a common bit set,
// indicating overlapping blocks and an invalid configuration.
if ((occupiedSlots & block) != 0) return false;
occupiedSlots |= block;
// Check if there are any empty spaces on the board
// by counting the number of bits set in the 'occupiedSlots' variable.
// The 'occupiedSlots &= occupiedSlots - 1' operation clears the least significant bit in 'occupiedSlots'
// until all bits representing occupied spaces are removed.
// If any bits remain, it indicates the presence of empty spaces.
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) occupiedSlots &= occupiedSlots - 1;
return occupiedSlots != 0;
* Compresses the given array of blocks into a single long value.
* It performs bitwise operations to extract the lowest set bit from each block and combines them into the result.
* @param blocks The array of blocks to compress.
* @return The compressed representation of the blocks.
private Long compress(int[] blocks) {
int[] sortedBlocks = new int[10];
sortedBlocks[0] = blocks[0];
sortedBlocks[1] = blocks[1];
int[] verticalBlocks = new int[]{blocks[2], blocks[3], blocks[4], blocks[5]};
sortedBlocks[2] = verticalBlocks[0];
sortedBlocks[3] = verticalBlocks[1];
sortedBlocks[4] = verticalBlocks[2];
sortedBlocks[5] = verticalBlocks[3];
int[] horizontalBlocks = new int[]{blocks[6], blocks[7], blocks[8], blocks[9]};
sortedBlocks[6] = horizontalBlocks[0];
sortedBlocks[7] = horizontalBlocks[1];
sortedBlocks[8] = horizontalBlocks[2];
sortedBlocks[9] = horizontalBlocks[3];
long compressedValue = 0b0;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedBlocks.length; i++) {
// Find the lowest significant bit of the block using the 'log2' method.
long lowestBit = KlotskiSolver.log2(sortedBlocks[i] & -sortedBlocks[i]);
// Concatenate the lowest significant bit to the compressed value
// by shifting it to the appropriate position.
compressedValue |= (lowestBit << (i * 5));
return compressedValue;