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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


add(int, int) - Method in class
Adds the given x and y values to the coordinate and returns a new Coordinate object.
add(Coordinate) - Method in class
Adds the given Coordinate's x and y values to the coordinate and returns a new Coordinate object.
addCompletedLevel(String) - Method in class
Adds a level to the list of completed levels.
Alert - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
AlertStyle - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType


BackToMainMenuClickListener - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners
The `BackToMainMenuClickListener` class is a click listener for the back-to-main-menu button.
BackToMainMenuClickListener(KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BackToMainMenuClickListener
Constructs a new `BackToMainMenuClickListener` with the specified `KlotskiGame` instance.
BigBlock - Class in
BigBlock - Enum constant in enum class
BigBlock(Coordinate) - Constructor for class
Block - Class in
Represents a block in the Klotski puzzle.
Block(Coordinate, int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs a Block object with the specified location, height, and width.
Block(Coordinate, int, int, Block.BlockType) - Constructor for class
Block.BlockType - Enum Class in
Represents the types of blocks in the Klotski puzzle.
Board - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors
The `Board` class represents a game board that extends the `Actor` class.
Board(Level) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Constructs a new `Board` object with the specified initial state and label style.
BoardListener - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners
The `BoardListener` class is an input listener for the game board.
BoardListener(Board, GameState) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
Constructs a new `BoardListener` with the specified `Board` and `GameState` instances.
BoardPreview - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors
The `BoardPreview` class represents a preview of a game board.
BoardPreview(Level, Skin) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.BoardPreview
Constructs a new `BoardPreview` object with the specified level, skin, and label style.
Button - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
ButtonStyle - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType


canMoveBlock(Block, Direction) - Method in class
Checks if a block can be moved in the given direction in the current state.
clicked(InputEvent, float, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BackToMainMenuClickListener
Handles the click event when the back-to-main-menu button is clicked.
clicked(InputEvent, float, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.DeleteSaveClickListener
Handles the click event.
clicked(InputEvent, float, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.StartFromSaveClickListener
Handles the click event.
clone() - Method in class
Creates a deep copy of the block.
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
Creates a deep copy of this Coordinate object.
COLS - Static variable in class
ConfigurationMenuScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
ConfigurationMenuScreen(KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
Constructs a ConfigurationMenuScreen object.
contains(float, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Checks if the tile contains the specified coordinates.
Coordinate - Class in
Represents a coordinate with x and y values.
Coordinate(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a Coordinate instance with the specified x and y values.
create() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
createBitMaskForBlock(Block) - Static method in class
Converts a block object to a bit mask representation.
createBlockFromBitMask(int) - Static method in class
Converts a bit mask representation to a block object.
createTile(Block) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Creates a tile based on the specified block.


decrementMoves() - Method in class
deleteSave(String) - Method in class
Deletes a saved state file by its name.
DeleteSaveClickListener - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners
The `DeleteSaveClickListener` class is a click listener for deleting a save file.
DeleteSaveClickListener(String, KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.DeleteSaveClickListener
Constructs a new `DeleteSaveClickListener` with the specified save name and game instance.
dev.plagarizers.klotski - package dev.plagarizers.klotski - package - package - package
dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors - package dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors
dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners - package dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners
dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens - package dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state - package dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state
dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util - package dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util
Direction - Enum Class in
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
dispose() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Renders the game board and its components.
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.BoardPreview
Renders the board preview and its components.
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Renders the tile and its components.


equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks if the current block is equal to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks if this Coordinate object is equal to the given object.


FontHandler - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util
The FontGenerator class is responsible for generating and managing fonts and label styles.
FontHandler.FontType - Enum Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util
Enumerates the different font types available.
FontHandler.LabelStyleType - Enum Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util
Enumerates the different label style types available.
fromBitBoard(int[]) - Static method in class
Converts an array of bit board representations to a State object.
fromDefaultConfiguration() - Static method in class
Creates a new State object with the default configuration of blocks.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
Creates a block object from a JSON string.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
Creates a new State object from a JSON string representation.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
Creates a Coordinate object from its JSON representation.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
Converts a JSON string representation of a list of `Level` objects into a list of `Level` instances.
fromRandomConfiguration() - Static method in class
Creates a new State object with a random configuration loaded from the levels file.
fromRandomLevel() - Static method in class


GameOverScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
GameOverScreen(KlotskiGame, State, int) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
Constructs a GameOverScreen object.
GameScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
The GameScreen class represents the main game screen in the Klotski game.
GameScreen(KlotskiGame, Level) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
Constructs a new GameScreen object.
GameState - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state
The `GameState` class represents the state of the Klotski game.
GameState(State) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Constructs a new `GameState` with the specified initial state.
getBackground() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
Returns the background image of the game as an Image widget.
getBlock() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the block associated with the tile.
getBlocks() - Method in class
Gets an array of blocks representing the current state.
getBlocks() - Method in class
Retrieves the game board of the level.
getBoardListener() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Returns the board listener associated with this board.
getCamera() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
Returns the game's camera.
getContourTexture() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the contour texture of the tile based on the block type.
getEffectsVolume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Returns the current volume of the sound effects.
getExternalStoragePath() - Method in class
Retrieves the external storage path.
getFont(FontHandler.FontType) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler
Retrieves the specified font based on the provided font type.
getGameState() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Returns the game state object.
getHeight() - Method in class
Returns the height of the block.
getHeight() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the height of the tile.
getIcon() - Method in class
Returns the icon representation of the block based on its type.
getInstance() - Static method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler
Retrieves the singleton instance of the FontGenerator class.
getInstance() - Static method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Returns the singleton instance of the SoundHandler.
getLabelStyle(FontHandler.LabelStyleType) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler
Retrieves the specified label style based on the provided label style type.
getLocation() - Method in class
Returns the location of the block.
getMinMovesToSolve() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
getMoves() - Method in class
Returns the number of moves made in the current state.
getMoves() - Method in class
getMoves() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Returns the number of moves made in the game.
getMoves(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the number of moves from a saved state file.
getMusicVolume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Returns the current volume of the background music.
getName() - Method in class
Retrieves the name of the level.
getNextMoveListener() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
Returns an event listener for the next move button.
getOccupiedLocations() - Method in class
Returns a list of all the coordinates occupied by the block.
getOccupiedLocations(Coordinate) - Method in class
getPathToSolution() - Method in class
Retrieves the path to the solution after the puzzle is solved.
getSavedStatePaths() - Method in class
Retrieves the saved state paths and the number of moves for each saved state.
getSelectedTile() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Returns the currently selected tile.
getSkin() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
Returns the game's skin.
getState() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Returns the current game state.
getState() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Returns the current state of the game.
getTexture() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the texture of the tile based on the block type.
getTiles() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
Returns a list of tiles on the game board.
getTiles() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Returns the list of tiles in the game.
getType() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class
Returns the width of the block.
getWidth() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the width of the tile.
getX() - Method in class
getX() - Method in class
Returns the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the x-coordinate of the tile.
getY() - Method in class
getY() - Method in class
Returns the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Returns the y-coordinate of the tile.
GOAL - Static variable in class


hashCode() - Method in class
Returns the hash code value for the block.
hashCode() - Method in class
Returns the hash code of this Coordinate object.
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
hide() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
HorizontalBlock - Class in
HorizontalBlock - Enum constant in enum class
HorizontalBlock(Coordinate) - Constructor for class


incrementMoves() - Method in class
Info - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
InfoStyle - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType
isCompleted() - Method in class
isDisabled() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
isSolved() - Method in class
Checks if the current state is solved, i.e., if the big block is in the goal position.
isSolved() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Checks if the game is solved.
isValidCoordinate(Coordinate) - Static method in class
Checks if the given coordinate is a valid coordinate within the board boundaries.
ITEM_HEIGHT - Static variable in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
ITEM_WIDTH - Static variable in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board


keyDown(InputEvent, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
Handles the key down event.
KlotskiGame - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski
The KlotskiGame class represents the main game class that extends the Game class from libGDX.
KlotskiGame() - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
KlotskiSolver - Class in
The KlotskiSolver class provides methods to solve the Klotski puzzle.
KlotskiSolver(State) - Constructor for class
Constructs a KlotskiSolver object with the initial state of the puzzle.


LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Level - Class in
The `Level` class represents a game level with a name and a game board.
Level(State, String) - Constructor for class
Level(String, Block[]) - Constructor for class
Constructs a `Level` object with the specified name and game board.
loadCompletedLevels() - Method in class
Loads the list of completed levels from a file.
loadLevels(Reader) - Method in class
Loads the game levels from a given reader.
loadLevelsFromDefaultPath() - Method in class
Loads the game levels from the default path.
LoadMenuScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
The LoadMenuScreen class represents the load menu screen in the Klotski game.
LoadMenuScreen(KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
Constructs a new LoadMenuScreen object.
loadStateByName(String) - Method in class
Loads a saved state by its name.
loadStateByPath(String) - Method in class
Loads a saved state by its file path.


MainMenuScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
The MainMenuScreen class represents the main menu screen in the Klotski game.
MainMenuScreen(KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
Constructs a new MainMenuScreen object.
Menu - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
MenuStyle - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType
MIN_DRAG_DISTANCE - Static variable in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
minSteps() - Method in class
Finds the minimum number of steps required to reach the goal state from the initial state.
move(Direction) - Method in class
Moves the coordinate in the specified direction and returns the new coordinate.
moveBlock(Block, Direction) - Method in class
Moves a block in the given direction in the current state.
moveBlock(Block, Direction) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Moves the specified block in the given direction.


NUM_PIECES - Static variable in class


of(int, int) - Static method in class
Creates a Coordinate instance with the specified x and y values.


pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
pause() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
playBackgroundMusic() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
playBestMove() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Plays the best move based on the calculated path to the solution.
playButtonClick() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Plays the button pressed sound with the current effects volume.
playPieceMoved() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Plays the piece moved sound with the current effects volume.
playVictoryMusic() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
PREVIEWS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame


render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
render(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
reset() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Resets the game to its starting configuration.
resetMoves() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Resets the number of moves made in the game.
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
resize(int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
resume() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
ROWS - Static variable in class


saveCompletedLevels(List<String>) - Method in class
Saves the list of completed levels to a file.
SavesManager - Class in
SavesManager() - Constructor for class
Constructs a `SavesManager` object with the default external storage path.
SavesManager(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a `SavesManager` object with the specified external storage path.
saveState(State, String) - Method in class
Saves the game state to a file with a specified save name.
selectNextTile() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Selects the next tile in the game.
setBlock(Block) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Sets the block associated with the tile.
setBlocks(Block[]) - Method in class
Sets the blocks in the state based on the given array of blocks.
setBlocks(Block[]) - Method in class
Sets the game board of the level.
setCompleted(boolean) - Method in class
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Board
setEffectsVolume(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Sets the volume of the sound effects.
setHeight(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Sets the height of the tile.
setHeight(int) - Method in class
Sets the height of the block.
setLocation(Coordinate) - Method in class
Sets the location of the block.
setMoves(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of moves made in the current state.
setMoves(int) - Method in class
setMusicVolume(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.SoundHandler
Sets the volume of the background music.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the level.
setSelectedTile(Tile) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Sets the currently selected tile.
setState(State) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Sets the state of the game.
SettingsScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
The SettingsScreen class represents a screen in the Klotski game that allows the player to adjust various settings.
SettingsScreen(KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
Constructs a new SettingsScreen object.
setType(Block.BlockType) - Method in class
setWidth(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Sets the width of the tile.
setWidth(int) - Method in class
Sets the width of the block.
setX(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Sets the x-coordinate of the tile.
setX(int) - Method in class
Sets the x coordinate.
setY(float) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Sets the y-coordinate of the tile.
setY(int) - Method in class
Sets the y coordinate.
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.ConfigurationMenuScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameOverScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.GameScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.LoadMenuScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.MainMenuScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.SettingsScreen
show() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
SKIN_PATH - Static variable in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.KlotskiGame
SmallBlock - Class in
SmallBlock - Enum constant in enum class
SmallBlock(Coordinate) - Constructor for class
SoundHandler - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util
The SoundHandler class is responsible for managing the game's sounds and music.
StartFromSaveClickListener - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners
The `StartFromSaveClickListener` class is a click listener for starting a game from a saved state.
StartFromSaveClickListener(String, KlotskiGame) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.StartFromSaveClickListener
Constructs a new `StartFromSaveClickListener` with the specified save name and game instance.
State - Class in


Tile - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors
The `Tile` class represents a tile on the game board.
Tile(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.actors.Tile
Constructs a new `Tile` object with the specified position and dimensions.
Title - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
TitleStyle - Enum constant in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType
toBitBoard() - Method in class
Converts the state to a bit board representation.
toJson() - Method in class
Converts the block to a JSON string.
toJson() - Method in class
Converts the state to a JSON string representation.
toJson() - Method in class
Converts this Coordinate object to its JSON representation.
toState() - Method in class
Converts the `Level` object to a `State` object representing the game state.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of this Coordinate object.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the `Level` object.
touchDown(InputEvent, float, float, int, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
Handles the touch down event.
touchDragged(InputEvent, float, float, int) - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.listeners.BoardListener
Handles the touch dragged event.
TutorialScreen - Class in dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens
The TutorialScreen class represents the tutorial presented to a new player for the first time.
TutorialScreen(KlotskiGame, Preferences) - Constructor for class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.screens.TutorialScreen
Constructs a new TutorialScreen object.


undoMove() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Undoes the last move made in the game.
UnknownBlock - Enum constant in enum class
UP - Enum constant in enum class
updateTiles() - Method in class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.state.GameState
Updates the tiles based on the current state.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.FontType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.plagarizers.klotski.gui.util.FontHandler.LabelStyleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerticalBlock - Class in
VerticalBlock - Enum constant in enum class
VerticalBlock(Coordinate) - Constructor for class
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